Questions About Facelift Surgery

Published on October 5, 2010 by Brian Joseph

As one of the finest practitioners of cosmetic surgery, Orlando plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Joseph is a compassionate board-certified plastic surgeon who is devoted to your satisfactory surgical results and your overall happiness.

What are the benefits of facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery helps “turn back the clock” by firming your facial muscles and smoothing your skin to create a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance. A facelift is not intended to make you look like someone else, but to tighten loose skin to reveal your underlying facial structures. Doing this restores your facial contour and eliminates jowls to create a rested, youthful appearance.

What are the risks of facelift surgery?

While complications are rare, the risks of facelift surgery include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Loss of skin behind the ears
  • Scarring
  • Skin discoloration
  • Numbness
  • Asymmetry
  • Facial nerve injury

There is an increased risk of complications for patients who are diabetic, smokers, or those with a history of radiation or autoimmune diseases. Following your post-operative instructions will help minimize the potential side effects.

What is the recovery process like following a facelift?

The first 24 hours after your surgery, your dressings and surgical drains will be removed. Discomfort, swelling and discoloration are normal, and should fade within two weeks. You may also experience tightness in your facial muscles for several weeks, in addition to numbness in your skin and around your ear. Your stitches may be removed within a few days, though it will take a week or more before the sutures in your scalp are removed. The full results of your facelift will be apparent in about six weeks, once the healing is complete.

If are interested in a facelift, please contact board-certified Orlando plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Joseph at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery to arrange a consultation. We serve patients in Orlando, Florida.

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