Types Of Breast Implants Orlando

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Women who make the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery have two choices when it comes to implants: silicone or saline. Orlando breast surgeon Dr. Joseph consults with each patient to determine which type of implant would be best suited for her individual body type, medical history and expectations after surgery.

Advantages of Silicone Implants

Some women may be apprehensive about introducing silicone breast implants into their bodies because of the negative publicity these implants received in the early 1990s. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved silicone implants for reconstruction and augmentation in 2006 after much scientific review.

Silicone breast implants are actually different sizes of silicone shells that are pre-filled with silicone gel that bears a resemblance to natural breast tissue. As a result, these implants look and feel more like natural breasts.

Disadvantages of Silicone

Disadvantages of silicone include:

  • Capsular contracture is more common. This occurs when scar tissue begins to constrict the implants, creating a hard and sometimes distorted breast.
  • Implant ruptures are harder to detect.
  • A larger incision is required to place the pre-filled breast implants.

Advantages of Saline Implants

Regardless of the FDA’s approval of silicone breast implants, a large number of women prefer saline implants. Saline implants are the most popular method of breast augmentation surgery today. There are different sizes and shapes of saline implants available to help patients achieve their perfect figure.

Saline breast implants also begin with a soft, durable silicone shell, but they are injected with sterile saline solutions rather than silicone at the time of surgery. Because the saline is much like saltwater, if an implant ruptures, the body can easily absorb the solution. The breast will quickly deflate, making ruptures easy to identify.

Disadvantages of Saline

Disadvantages of saline include:

  • Rippling is more common, especially if the patient has a thinner amount of breast tissue over the implant.
  • The risk of capsular contracture is also possible with saline.

Once the type of breast implant has been selected, Dr. Joseph will work closely with the patient to determine which size of implant would best complement her body frame and provide the most aesthetically pleasing figure.

For more information, see Safety Issues Related to Saline and Silicone Implants.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery and would like to learn more about the differences between silicone and saline implants, please contact our Florida breast enlargement office today for a free consultation.

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