Brow Lift in Orlando

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Do you find yourself staring in the mirror, frustrated with the saggy skin around your forehead? A brow lift offered by Dr. Joseph may be the thing for you. A brow or forehead lift helps reverse the appearance of aging by smoothing out deep wrinkles and creases across your forehead.

A brow lift can also:

  • Reduce creases on the bridge of your nose and between the eyes
  • Minimize the vertical creases between your eyebrows, also called “scowl lines”
  • Raise your eyebrows to a more aesthetic position, creating a more youthful look
  • Reposition a low or sagging brow that “hoods” your upper eyelid

A brow lift will not improve baggy eyelids, puffy eyes, or crow’s feet. To correct these problems, the procedure is often performed as part of a comprehensive facial surgery plan. Some other rejuvenation procedures performed in addition to a brow lift include:

There are three main options for brow lift surgery. These are:

Endoscopic forehead lift – This involves four to six one-inch long incisions behind your hairline. Through these small incisions, your surgeon will insert and endoscope with a small camera that so he can weaken the scowl-causing muscles and lift your forehead. To hold your forehead in place, small absorbable screws are often used, so none of your scalp needs to be removed. This technique only minimally raises your hairline. This procedure is less invasive, minimal scarring and less downtime. Occasionally, there may be some temporary numbness of the scalp.

Brow Lift Before and After Photos

Brow Lift Before and After Photos

Coronal forehead lift – With this procedure, your surgeon will make an incision across the top of your head, from ear to ear, and alter the muscles that cause horizontal forehead wrinkles and scowling. A one to two centimeter strip of your scalp will be removed, and your remaining scalp will be sewn together. Consider that this technique causes temporary numbness to your forehead and scalp. It also raises your hairline, which can be a problem if you have a high forehead or receding hairline.

Subcutaneous forehead lifts – With this procedure, your plastic surgeon will make an incision across the top of your forehead, where your hairline begins. The same muscle alterations that are performed through a coronal lift are possible through this procedure—but the incision is in front of your hairline, so your hairline will not be moved. Like a coronal lift, excess skin is removed, but less numbness may occur.  The scar is usually concealed in you hairline.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in enhancing your appearance with a brow lift and you live in the Winter Park or Orlando area, please contact cosmetic plastic surgery our office today.

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