How Long Will It Take to Recover from My Arm Lift?

Published on July 13, 2017 by Brian Joseph

The arm lift procedure dramatically improves muscle tone and gives the upper arms a sleek and revitalized appearance. Incisions, the excision of excess skin, and the use of liposuction are required to accomplish an arm lift. Because of this, you will need to prepare yourself for the recovery process that follows your arm lift procedure.

You will not be able to return to work for a minimum of one week. More time may be required depending on your doctor’s recommendations. After roughly three weeks, you should be able to return to a majority of your normal activities. It can take between four and six weeks to fully heal. All strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting, exercising, and sports, should be completely avoided during this time.

Making sure you are prepared for your recovery prior to your surgery will make the entire process easier and will ensure the quality of your results. Contact Park Avenue Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Joseph.

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