Plastic Surgery News & Blog Florida

The Areas of Your Face That a Brow Lift Can Treat

Published on March 3, 2017 by

A brow lift is a surgical procedure that is designed to reduce the common signs of aging on your face that are preventing your natural beauty from shining through. This procedure can provide a number of aesthetic enhancements that will

The Effects of Weight Loss on Your Arms

Published on February 24, 2017 by

Your skin may be very durable, but there are still limitations to what it is able to handle. When the body undergoes significant weight loss, areas like your arms can lose a significant amount of volume, which can give your

The Negative Impact of Disproportionately Large Breasts

Published on February 7, 2017 by

Large breasts are often considered a desirable aesthetic trait because they can enhance the appeal of your body proportions and can give you a curvaceous figure. However, many women find that their breasts are too large for their figure, which

Enhancing the Definition of Your Chin with Kybella

Published on February 2, 2017 by

When unwanted fat builds up under the chin, it can have a significant impact on the degree of definition your chin has and the way your profile looks. The fat that builds up under the chin can be very frustrating

Adding Lift and Volume to Your Breasts

Published on January 24, 2017 by

A breast lift and a breast augmentation are two surgical procedures that provide enhancement to the breasts in various ways. These two procedures can be performed during the course of a single surgery in order to provide you with comprehensive

Breast Augmentation – A Personal and Intimate Decision

Published on January 10, 2017 by

A significant portion of plastic surgeries are performed for cosmetic purposes, meaning that the main motivating factor for receiving the surgery is to improve the appearance of the patient according to their aesthetic goals. For procedures like a breast augmentation,

Reducing the Appearance of Scars in Darker Skin Colors

Published on January 3, 2017 by

In the past, people with darker skin colors were more apprehensive about receiving surgery because of the increased risk of noticeable scarring. The abundance of melanin, the pigment in the skin that creates a darker complexion, increased the chance of

Keep Your Body Energized with B12 Injections

Published on December 20, 2016 by

The body functions best when it has a good balance of essential vitamins and nutrients. Without the proper fuel, you can feel sluggish or weak. B12 injections offer a quick and efficient way to refuel the body and get you

The Benefits of Using a Fat Transfer over Synthetic Injectables for Facial Rejuvenation

Published on December 6, 2016 by

Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is the process of harvesting excess fat from one area of the body and injecting it into another area as a way to correct volume loss or enhance contours. There are many benefits

The Most Common Breast Augmentation Incision Location

Published on December 2, 2016 by

Every breast augmentation procedure will require some type of incision in order to insert the implants into the breasts. There are several options you can consider and discuss with your doctor in order to determine which method best suits your

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