
Conveniently located to serve Orlando

If you are seeking to improve the appearance of loose or sagging skin, SkinTyte in Orlando could be the solution you are looking for. SkinTyte is a revolutionary non-invasive cosmetic procedure that utilizes advanced technology to tighten and firm the skin. It is best for you if surgery or invasive treatments are not attractive options for you. And though it does not achieve dramatic results as surgery can, this skin tightening treatment can lead to significant improvement.

Reduce sagging skin and restore your skin’s youthfulness

Skin Tyte at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery & Spa is a treatment that delivers an advanced infra-red light to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire surface at the same time. Light energy is distributed in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, which leads to improved appearance of sagging skin.

Get More Youthful Looking Skin

As we age, skin loses its youthful firmness and natural elasticity, especially around the jawline and neck where it can add years to your appearance. While no one escapes the forces of aging and gravity, SkinTyte™ can fight against them.

SkinTyte uses BroadBand Light (BBL)™ technology the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage.

SkinTyte treatments are safe for all skin types and can be performed on any area of the body where an improvement in the appearance of sagging skin is desired. Popular areas include the face, neck, abdomen and arms. Your clinician’s treatment plan will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results.

SkinTyte is a generally quick, comfortable procedure, with typically no downtime. The end result is a more youthful appearance.

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you have mild to moderate skin laxity, especially on your face and neck, you may be a suitable candidate for SkinTyte treatments. You must be in overall good health, with no open wounds or skin infections in the target areas.

The ideal candidate has realistic expectations regarding the procedure, since results can be gradual and will not all be visible right away. If you are pregnant, you may need to postpone this treatment option.

Your SkinTyte Consultation

Your consultation for your SkinTyte procedure involves a physical examination of your target areas. An assessment of your skin health, especially degree of laxity, will be conducted. Your medical history will be reviewed, including pre-existing health conditions and current medications. A personalized treatment plan will be developed to address your concerns.

The Procedure

The SkinTyte procedure begins with cleansing the target areas to remove makeup and impurities. Then a special handheld device will be passed across the skin repeatedly, delivering the BBL pulses. There may be a warming sensation during the treatment. The process is relatively quick and may be finished in under an hour, depending on the target areas.

SkinTyte Aftercare

There is minimal downtime following a SkinTyte procedure. There may be mild redness and swelling, but you will likely be able to return to your routine right away if desired. Keep in mind that you must protect your skin from sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly to prevent any potential complications during recovery.

Cost of SkinTyte Treatments

The cost of SkinTyte treatments varies from one patient to another due to the bespoke nature of the procedure. The overall price may be impacted by the number of target areas and total number of sessions needed to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Contact Us

Achieve a youthful appearance by reducing the appearance of sagging skin with SkinTyte in Orlando. Contact Park Avenue Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation today.

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