Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

In the quest for a flatter, more toned abdominal area, cosmetic surgeons implement both liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) techniques to help patients achieve their ideal bodies. Dr. Brian Joseph, Florida cosmetic surgeon, performs both procedures at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery, and he helps patients make the right decision regarding which procedure is the right one for each person’s unique situation.

How does a Tummy Tuck differ from Liposuction?

A tummy tuck is a major cosmetic surgical procedure that involves making an incision along the bikini line from which to remove excess abdominal fat and skin. There are varying levels of tummy tuck, depending on the amount and location of the fat and skin to be removed. Abdominal muscles can be tightened during the process, and in some cases the belly button must be repositioned.

Liposuction is a process where small incisions are made in the abdominal area from which excessive fat is removed via a surgical vacuum. At Park Avenue Plastic Surgery, we are proud to offer our patients the Vaser ultrasound-assisted liposuction technique. This advanced technique allows Dr. Joseph to remove fat deposits that have been melted by ultrasonic waves without disturbing surrounding blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves.

Vaser liposuction sometimes has the added benefit of tightening the skin above the area of fat removal. However, if the patient has excessive abdominal skin either before or after liposuction, a tummy tuck is generally the preferred method. Certain types of patients often fall into this category, such as:

  • Women who have been pregnant
  • Men and women who have lost large amounts of weight
  • Older individuals whose abdominal skin has sagged over time

Can tummy tuck and liposuction be done together?

Yes. Liposuction is often performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck in order to remove the proper amount of abdominal fat.

How do the recovery times differ?

Of course, each patient’s recover time will depend on their own propensity to heal as well as the complexity of the procedure. In general:

  • Because a tummy tuck is a major invasive surgery, patients can expect to require 2-4 weeks before returning to normal activities.
  • Liposuction is much less traumatic, and most patients can return to normal activities approximately 1-2 weeks after treatment.

Regardless of the method chosen, patients who undergo liposuction and/or tummy tuck surgeries must make the commitment to maintaining healthy lifestyles. Just because fat and skin has been surgically removed, it can return without proper diet and exercise.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your abdominal area and would like to learn if a tummy tuck or liposuction could improve your body, please arrange for a free body shaping consultation today.

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