Mommy Makeover Surgery Orlando

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Mommy Makeover

Once you have children, they become your life. True, they are bundles of joy and the source of never-ending happiness. But the toll they take on your body is significant. Stretched and distorted breasts, a bulging stomach, saddlebags, larger hips, and thicker thighs are all an after-effect of bearing children.

A Positive Self-Image

You devote so much of yourself to your children, that oftentimes your own well-being gets put on the back burner. It’s in no way self-centered or vain to want to look your best or feel youthful, sexy, and confident. Having a positive self-image certainly benefits you, but it also can improve your relationships and interactions with your loved ones.

You may find yourself thinking, “What if I could take great care of myself and raise my children too?” This is the theory behind a mommy makeover. Now more than ever before, there is an array of surgical procedures to reverse the adverse effects of having children.

Some of these cosmetic procedures include:

These procedures are on the rise. Last year, women accounted for more than 80% of cosmetic and plastic surgery patients. Experts believe the increase in mommy makeovers is because more women are having children later in life – after they have completed their education and are at a stable place in the professional world.

The best decision I’ve ever made!

“I have had the most amazing experience with Dr. Joseph and the park avenue plastic surgery girls! I was so nervous going into this, and the past few months have been so easy and stress free! Thank you guys for helping me and making my breast augmentation the best decision I’ve ever made!!”

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Stunning woman posing in black dressBreaking them up

The mommy makeover can sometimes be done during one surgery. But generally speaking, it is easier for your body to recover if the procedures are broken up. Your body type and overall health will help us decide the best approach. Orlando Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Joseph will take the necessary steps to ensure minimal pain and maximum safety during your procedures.

Am I a Good Candidate?

There are many factors to consider before undergoing a mommy makeover. These include:

  • Your current health
  • The areas of your body you want to improve
  • How post-pregnancy plastic surgery will affect you and your family

If you have successfully lost weight after your pregnancy but can not get rid of stubborn areas of fat or sagging skin, you should be a good candidate for a mommy makeover.

Mommy Makeover Result Orlando
Mommy Makeover Result Orlando

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Post-pregnancy surgery should not be done until you have allowed time for your body to fully recover from childbirth. It is amazing what time, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can do to improve your body. However, changes like deflated-appearing breasts or the dreaded shelf that appears after a C-section cannot be fixed by diet or exercise. Plastic surgery after pregnancy gives mothers a way to reclaim their bodies, and this can be very rewarding.

How Much Does Mommy Makeover Cost?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover varies because it is a highly individualized surgery tailored for each patient. The overall price may include anesthesia, operating room facilities, new breast implants, and other related expenses. Additional tests and imaging may also add to your total. Contact us for additional information.

Contact Our Office

If you are interested in enhancing your appearance with a mommy makeover and you live in the Orlando area, please contact us today. The skilled team at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery will help guide you through the entire process and help you achieve a body that you can carry with confidence.


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