Male Breast Reduction Orlando

Male Breast Reduction, or Gynecomastia surgery, is a popular option for men desiring a flatter, firmer and better-contoured chest. It is not uncommon for many men or teenage boys to have a condition called Gynecomastia, where the breasts enlarge from a combination of fat and glandular tissue around the breast ducts; in fact, it is estimated that between 40 and 60% of men are affected by Gynecomastia. Many of these cases resolve without treatment, but for those men who continue to feel self-conscious about their appearance, breast reduction surgery can help.

If your Gynecomastia is caused primarily by excessive fatty tissue, then Breast Reduction can usually be performed using ultrasonic liposuction technology, with small inconspicuous incisions of less than half an inch in length. If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of your breast enlargement, then this tissue may need to be excised, or cut out, and the excision may be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction.

Gynecomastia Before & After

Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

We will be pleased to schedule an appointment for you. we will determine the cause of your Gynecomastia, and will then discuss his recommendations for the appropriate procedure for your breast reduction surgery. You will have the opportunity to ask all the questions you have.

Should you be traveling from out-of-state and would like assistance with accommodation, please let us know and we will be happy to help you with your arrangements.

Dr. Joseph

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